#2013 #PNAS #Neurod1 #NeuroendocrineCancer

NeuroD1 regulates survival and migration of neuroendocrine lung carcinomas via signaling molecules TrkB and NCAM

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Apr 16;110(16):6524-9.

Small-cell lung cancer and other aggressive neuroendocrine cancers are often associated with early dissemination and frequent metastases. We demonstrate that neurogenic differentiation 1 (NeuroD1) is a regulatory hub securing cross talk among survival and migratory-inducing signaling pathways in neuroendocrine lung carcinomas. We find that NeuroD1 promotes tumor cell survival and metastasis in aggressive neuroendocrine lung tumors through regulation of the receptor tyrosine kinase tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB). Like TrkB, the prometastatic signaling molecule neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) is a downstream target of NeuroD1, whose impaired expression mirrors loss of NeuroD1. TrkB and NCAM may be therapeutic targets for aggressive neuroendocrine cancers that express NeuroD1.

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